Thursday, August 22, 2013

My first post

It's been a long time since I started a blog from scratch. I had my previous blog, 'Raising Godly Daughter's' for years. As of recent, the Lord put it on my heart to cancel that Blog and start a new one. If you're asking yourself if I did that in hopes that one day I would be the mom to a son, the answer is no. lol Instead, it was just time to close that one down and start one that better described my little piece of the blogging world.

It's funny. I wonder if I'm the only woman in the world who starts a new blog and goes back to the simple world of blogging instead of a website. I admire those full-time blogging women. In all honesty, I don't know how they juggle raising their families and blogging all the time.

As for me, God has shown me in the past that He can and will work through even a simple blog, such as mine, and that's good enough for me.

With much love,



  1. I like the new blog! Thanks for inviting me to your new corner of the www.

  2. Thank you for the welcome to your hearth!! I'll update the link on mine and hope to be stopping by on a regular basis.

  3. Hi Kristi. I like the new look of your blog. We have the same welcome mat at our front door as you have on your header. ;D All the food pictures look delish, too. Looking forward to staying connected at your new www home. :D

    Blessings ~

