Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Homestead Blessings DVDs... A true blessing!

I had wanted these dvd's for years, seeing them here and there on other women's blogs. It wasn't until this year that I was blessed to be able to purchase them.

The day they came in I squealed with joy! As a mom to all girls who is interested in raising my daughters to go against the flow of society and be like the proverbs 31 woman, I jumped for joy inside at the wealth of information these dvd's held.

I will never forget the day we watched the first of these videos. My house is never as quiet as it was that day! lol My girls sat together on the couch and didn't make a peep. They were so interested in what the West ladies were teaching.

It's been months since they arrived and we've watched them all. I still have requests to watch them now and then and we do. This time though, my daughters will talk as the dvds play. Each daughter states something they like, or what they would do. It's so beautiful! These dvd's are so much fun!

If you are a mama to girls or could just use some helpful homemaking ideas, these dvd's are great. For more information or if you want to purchase one or all you can link to them from my amazon store. The button is on my page. :)

1 comment:

  1. Found your blog this evening and just wanted to say HI!! I am already in love with your blog as I also make homemade soaps, lip balms, elderberry syrup, and more :) haha. I also desire for my girls to grow and be homemakers. I have five children as well, but two boys :)
    Well, feel free to stop by my blog as well,

