Wednesday, January 8, 2014

I-Hop who? THM Pancakes S... yep, I said S! (Sugar Free and Low Carb)

Gosh, I don't even know where to begin with this post. If it weren't nap time and I wasn't on day 3 of a Ttapp bootcamp I might actually be inclined to stand up and do a happy dance. That is how happy I am to be writing this post.


So, I love THM. What I didn't love was losing pancakes from our Saturday morning brunch. My hubby is a brunch man. And when I say that, I mean it. It's kind of a go big or go home thing with him. Well, maybe not go home... more like go cranky or to I-Hop. *snickers*

*note* I'm just going to post pictures off and on as I type so you can swoon and get excited!

If you're like us and you've missed pancakes with your scrambled eggs and bacon then you are about to experience something to make you fall in love with life all over again. Or at least your THM Saturday brunch!

I won't lie, I was a wee bit nervous about trying this recipe which isn't unusual for me when replacing something typically made with white flour. It tends to weird me out at first. I'm a southern girl. What can I say? lol My people use a lot of flour. They also die from heart disease and type two diabetes, sadly.

Moving on to happy land again! :)

A single batch of these gives you 3 good size pancakes. Not I-Hop huge pancakes, but good size. I can eat and these were perfect for me!

Look how pretty.

One thing the recipe creator tells you is that these are delicate and must be treated as such. You will not want to flip them until they have cooked some.

The waiting process is no different than making pancakes with flour. I was careful when I flipped them and had no issues.

Just take a whiff... I mean look. lol

Just looking at the pictures has me getting excited about Monday! Hubby will be off after a 7 day work week.

Are you hungry yet? I am. lol

I had what some southerners refer to as a 'hankerin' for maple syrup on mine. I made some sugar free mixed berry syrup last night but my morning had maple syrup written all over it.

This is what I used. It is made with xylitol and tastes the most like real maple syrup. I'm weird about most sugar free syrups using stevia. I haven't found one that I liked just yet. This syrup however is super yummy!!

So now the time had drawn near for me to top my beautiful breakfast. I heated my syrup and drizzled some over my 3 mouth watering pancakes. Then I added a little butter. I sat back and watched it melt in awe.

I had to ask myself. Those pancakes seriously couldn't taste half as good as they were looking.

Or could they?

Yes, yes dear friends.... they sooo could!

Now let's see if I can get this link right. lol

Hop on over to Glen's Nest for the recipe.  Low Carb Pancake Recipe THM S


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